Rachel Thompson

Jack Canon's American Destiny

Monday, September 16, 2013

10 Tips Becoming a Better Writer by: Ana Fawkes

Read a lot of books. Anyone wants to be a writer, they have to read.

Write a lot. I know that probably sounds silly, but it’s true. A writer must write all the time. You can write something just for fun, write in a journal, write poetry, write a random sentence, write something you’ve seen throughout the day, anything that will help you calm a better writer.

Become more visual. As mentioned above, write about something you’ve seen during the day. This will help you become more visual. See things that other people may not see… Or find things that can pertain to your writing.
Pick a genre that you love and stick to it. There are so many markets in writing right now and there constantly seems to be one that’s a bestseller and one that doesn’t sell… But then a few months later those roles reverse. Find the genre that you love and that you are most comfortable writing… And then try to master it.

Make time to write even if you don’t have it. Writers can not procrastinate in any way shape or form.
When you pick your genre… Read everything you possibly can with in that genre. Read good books, read bad books, and find out what makes the good books work… And what makes the bad ones not work.

Get off Facebook… And all the other social media sites. Now I’m not saying to close your account down, but a writer must focus on writing, reading, and becoming a better writer.

Learn to accept rejection. Face it, everyone is going to get rejected. Learn to deal with it and move on, the faster the better.

Make yourself comfortable as a writer. Find your place that you enjoy to write and find a way to write their. Be comfortable, clear your mind, and write.

Finally… Just to make sure… WRITE. I know I mentioned it above, feel you cannot write anymore find a way to push yourself that little bit extra. That extra five minutes at night, getting up five minutes early in the morning, or turning off your favorite television show for five minutes, it will all add up to make you a better writer.

 One Night Stand
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - New Adult Romance
Rating – PG13
More details about the author and the book
Connect with  Ana W. Fawkes on Facebook &  Twitter

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